Collection: Caspian Royal Beluga

Undoubtedly the iconic caviar of choice for connoisseurs seeking extraordinary delicacies.

Caspian Royal Beluga caviar, sourced exclusively from the Huso Huso sturgeon, boasts a delicate texture and a captivating pearl-grey hue. Its exceptional consistency and distinct creamy flavour, coupled with its rich iodine content and remarkably prolonged finish, make it the epitome of unrivaled caviar.

What makes Caspian Sea caviar so special?

The Caspian Sea’s unique blend of saltwater and freshwater provides an optimal habitat for  sturgeon to thrive and produce high-quality caviar. The nutrient-rich waters, nourished by several rivers, contribute to the growth of sturgeon, resulting in larger, creamier, and more flavorful caviar.